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French courses


You want to learn to speak French in order to function better in everyday life: groceries, banking, post office, doctor, pharmacy, hairdresser, administrative procedures, public transport, shopping...

You want to learn to speak French to better function in your professional life: call, book/cancel or move an appointment, interact in a meeting, describe your products and/or services, make a presentation, talk about your activities and projects, exchange with your colleagues, write an email or a report...

You already speak French but you want to improve your knowledge of the language: learn idioms, develop your general vocabulary or in a particular field, write without mistake, build complex sentences...

I offer you tailor-made courses according to your needs, level and availabilities.

Call me at +32 473 91 03 48 to find out more about the formula that best fits your needs and to learn more about my method.


Your advantages

  • Focused on conversation and oral skills with a basis of grammar
  • A level test at the beginning and at the end of the course
  • A sharp needs analysis regularly adapted
  • Material adapted to you and infinite range of activities
  • Flexible times (even early in the morning, lunch time, evenings)